It is not uncommon for many of us to feel exhausted in the springtime. Despite the sun and the retreat of the cold, the body is overcome by unpleasant symptoms: fatigue, apathy, irritability. What is the cause of spring blues and how to restore the body vitality? Let's find out together with the expert.
Marie Grimm, a nutritionist and author of vegan nutrition courses, will tell us how to fight spring fatigue and support immunity with the help of Greenway Global products: Welllab Element Dihydroquercetin with A, C, E and ImmunoHIT ACTIVE supplements and a drink with curcumin BALANCER GOLD CURCUMIN during an online meeting.
The expert broadcast in German will take place on the ZOOM platform on May 8 at 18.00 CET.
Link to connect
Meeting ID: 860 0882 5101
Passcode: GWG
Mark the reminder so you don't miss the expert broadcast!