Expert talk about next new products in the WELLLAB range

15 сентября 2023

September 18 at 19.30 СЕТ

Very soon the range of WELLLAB dietary supplements will be enriched with 3 new products at once. Want to learn about their features? Join us at the expert live talk on September 18 at 19:30 CET.

Nutritionist (OTL AKADEMIE BERLIN certificate) and author of vegan nutrition courses Marie Grimm will talk about the composition and properties of new products WELLLAB STRESSOUT PHYTO, EXPAIN PLUS and FUNGISTOP PHYTO at the online meeting.

The expert talk in German with translation into Russian, Spanish and Czech will take place on the ZOOM platform on September 18 at 19.30 CET.

Link to connect 

Meeting ID: 891 7577 0927

Passcode: GWG


Don't miss your chance to be the first to learn how our new products can help support your immune system and keep you healthy!