Clean Walk 2024 Environmental Initiative

17 сентября 2024

September 20-22, 2024

Dear Friends!

We invite you to participate in Greenway Global's Clean Walk 2024 environmental initiative, which will take place from September 20 to September 22, 2024.

Clean Walk is a traditional event that has been held in the company since 2021 around the world. As part of the Clean Walk, partners, Clients and like-minded people from all over the world will take to the streets of their cities to clean up litter on their favorite routes.

This year we will focus on team participation in the event.

  • The team format implies that a participant gathers a team of like-minded people in their town and organizes a mass clean-up walk. The best teams that collect the most litter during their walks will receive gifts from Greenway Global and will be featured on Greenway's official social media pages.

Please note, participants can join the event on any day.

The Clean Walk initiative is an opportunity to develop eco-friendly habits, bring friends and team together to demonstrate Greenway Global principles and the healthy attitude towards ecology and nature by example.

If you wish to take part in the event, you need to:

  1. Register using the link.
  2. Bring a group of friends and like-minded people together.
  3. From September 20 to 22, grab trash bags and gloves and walk your favorite trails picking up trash.
  4. Take a photo of the result and upload it to the event website.
  5. Share photos and videos from your walks on social media with the hashtag #cleanwalk2024.
  6. Where possible, take your garbage to a recycling facility.

The event details can be found on the website and on the company's official social media pages.

The results of the event contest will be summarized on September 23 in Greenway Global's official social media channels.