Special offer! 25% DISCOUNT on TeaVitall Express in filter bags!

15 июня 2021

Discount products are available for purchase

Take care of your health with Greenway teas. From June 15 to June 22, you can purchase TeaVitall Express tea in filter bags with a 25% discount.

01595 TeaVitall Express Cardex 6, 30 filters/pack contributes to the maintenance of the health of the cardiovascular system, restoration of the heart rhythm.

01596 TeaVitall Express Breeze 7, 30 filters/pack helps to protect healthy cells from damage caused by free radicals, restores health, and maintains good health.

01598 TeaVitall Express Balance 9, 30 filters/pack takes care of the nervous system, normalizes sleep, helps to cope with stress.

01599 TeaVitall Express Spring 10, 30 filters/pack is aimed at improving the functioning of the renal system, helps to normalize the water-salt balance, eliminates excess fluid and toxins from the body.

Promotional price: EUR 4.10 / CZK 114.40

The promotion is valid from June 15 to June 22.